name="TWikiVariables" |
TWiki Formatted Search |
$parent |
Name of parent topic; empty if not set |
$parent(20) |
Name of parent topic, same hyphenation/shortening like $topic() |
$text |
Formatted topic text. In case of a multiple="on" search, it is the line found for each search hit. |
< < |
$text(encode:type) |
Same as above, but encoded in the specified type. Possible types are the same as ENCODE. Though ENCODE can take the extra parameter, $text(encode:type) cannot. e.g. $text(encode:html) |
> > |
$text(encode:type) |
Same as above, but encoded in the specified type. Possible types are the same as in ENCODE. Though ENCODE can take the extra parameter, $text(encode:type) cannot. Example: $text(encode:html) |
$locked |
LOCKED flag (if any) |
< < |
$date |
Time stamp of last topic update, e.g. 12 Mar 2025 - 19:59 |
> > |
$date |
Time stamp of last topic update, e.g. 2025-03-12 - 19:59 |
$isodate |
Time stamp of last topic update, e.g. 2025-03-12T19:59Z |
$rev |
Number of last topic revision, e.g. 4 |
$username |
Login name of last topic update, e.g. jsmith |
$changes(n) |
Summary of changes between latest rev and rev n |
$formname |
The name of the form attached to the topic; empty if none |
$formfield(name) |
The field value of a form field; for example, $formfield(TopicClassification) would get expanded to PublicFAQ . This applies only to topics that have a TWikiForm |
< < |
$formfield(name, encode:type) |
Form field value, encoded in the specified type. This is in parallel to $text(encode:type) shown above. Comma followed by encode:type can be added to the $formfield(...) syntax below as well. But it needs to be the last paramer. e.g. $formfield(Description, 20, encode:html) |
> > |
$formfield(name, encode:type) |
Form field value, encoded in the specified type. Possible types are the same as in ENCODE: quote , moderate , safe , entity , html , url and csv . The encode:type parameter can be combined with other parameters described below, but it needs to be the last parameter. Example: $formfield(Description, 20, encode:html) |
$formfield(name, 10) |
Form field value, "- " hyphenated each 10 characters |
$formfield(name, 20, -<br />) |
Form field value, hyphenated each 20 characters with separator "-<br />" |
$formfield(name, 30, ...) |
Form field value, shortened to 30 characters with "..." indication |
$query(query-syntax) |
Access topic meta data using SQL-like QuerySearch syntax. Example: • $query(attachments.arraysize) returns the number of files attached to the current topic • $query(attachments[name~'*.gif'].size) returns an array with size of all .gif attachments, such as 848, 1425, 923 • $query(parent.name) is equivalent to $parent |
< < |
$query(query-syntax, encode:type) |
QuerySearch result is encoded in the specified type. This is in parallel to $text(encode:type) mentioned above |
> > |
$query(query-syntax, quote:") |
Strings in QuerySearch result are quoted with the specified quote. Useful to triple-quote strings for use in SpreadSheetPlugin's CALCULATE, such as $query(attachments.comment, quote:''') which returns a list of triple-quoted attachment comment strings -- the spreadhseet funcions will work properly even if comment strings contain commas and parenthesis |
$query(query-syntax, encode:type) |
QuerySearch result is encoded in the specified type. This is in parallel to $formfield(name, encode:type) mentioned above |
$pattern(reg-exp) |
A regular expression pattern to extract some text from a topic (does not search meta data; use $formfield instead). In case of a multiple="on" search, the pattern is applied to the line found in each search hit. • Specify a RegularExpression that covers the whole text (topic or line), which typically starts with .* , and must end in .* • Put text you want to keep in parenthesis, like $pattern(.*?(from here.*?to here).*) • Example: $pattern(.*?\*.*?Email\:\s*([^\n\r]+).*) extracts the e-mail address from a bullet of format * Email: ... • This example has non-greedy .*? patterns to scan for the first occurance of the Email bullet; use greedy .* patterns to scan for the last occurance • Limitation: Do not use .*) inside the pattern, e.g. $pattern(.*foo(.*)bar.*) does not work, but $pattern(.*foo(.*?)bar.*) does • Note: Make sure that the integrity of a web page is not compromised; for example, if you include an HTML table make sure to include everything including the table end tag |
< < |
$pattern(reg-exp, encode:type) |
A text extracted by reg-exp is encoded in the specified type. This is in parallel to $text(encode:type) mentioned above |
> > |
$pattern(reg-exp, encode:type) |
A text extracted by reg-exp is encoded in the specified type. This is in parallel to $formfield(name, encode:type) mentioned above |
$count(reg-exp) |
Count of number of times a regular expression pattern appears in the text of a topic (does not search meta data). Follows guidelines for use and limitations outlined above under $pattern(reg-exp) . Example: $count(.*?(---[+][+][+][+]) .*) counts the number of <H4> headers in a page. |
$ntopics |
Number of topics found in current web. This is the current topic count, not the total number of topics |
$tntopics |
The total number of topics matched |