Difference: TWikiPlugins (10 vs. 11)

Revision 112001-09-02 - AndreaSterbini

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TWiki Plugins

Line: 117 to 117
  • All modules require a $VERSION='0.000' variable, beginning at 1.000.
  • The initPlugin handler checks all dependencies and returns TRUE if the initialization is OK or FALSE if something went wrong.
  • The initPlugin handler should check all dependencies and return TRUE if the initialization is OK or FALSE if something went wrong.
    • The Plugin initialization code does not register a Plugin that returns FALSE (or that has no initPlugin handler).

Line: 140 to 140
  • a documentation topic, ex: YourPlugin.txt

The Perl module can be a block of code that connects with TWiki alone, or it can include other elements, like other Perl modules (including other Plugins), graphics, TWiki templates, external applications (ex: a Java applet), or just about anything else it can call.

In particular, files that should be web-accessible (graphics, Java applets ...) are best placed as attachments of the YourPlugin topic. Other needed Perl code is best placed in a lib/TWiki/Plugins/YourPlugin/ directory.
  The Plugin API handles the details of connecting your Perl module with main TWiki code. When you're familiar with the Plugin API, you're ready to develop Plugins.
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Note: Please contribute updates to this topic on TWiki.org at TWiki:TWiki.TWikiPlugins.