Difference: UserSubwebs (2 vs. 3)

Revision 32017-01-23 - TWikiContributor

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User Subwebs

TWiki provides each user with their own topic having their information and configuration. You may want to provide each user with a subweb Main/FirstLast having a topic having the user's information and configuration.
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  You can specify the topic name containing user preferences by $TWiki::cfg{UserSubwebs}{UserPrefsTopicName}, which is WebHome by default.

Customize web creation permission

If all of the following are true, you need to have an appropriate canCreateWeb object method in the user mapping manager class.

Customize web creation/deletion/rename permission

If all of the following are true, you need to have an appropriate canCreateWeb($cUID, $web) object method in the user mapping manager class.
  • Your TWiki doesn't have user registration
  • You lock down the Main web for tidyness
  • You want to have users create their subwebs on their own
At the same time, you should have an appropriate canRenameWeb($cUID, $oldWeb, $newWeb) object method in the user mapping manager class to have users delete/rename their subwebs on their own.
 Related Topics: AdminDocumentationCategory, SubwebAndTopicNames, AllowWebCreateByUserMappingManager, LargeSite
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Note: Please contribute updates to this topic on TWiki.org at TWiki:TWiki.UserSubwebs.