TWiki provides an intuitive way for people to meet and collaborate, that aspires to the Zen ideals known as WabiSabi. It finds beauty in the imperfect and ephemeral and constantly evolving. (When it comes down to it, that's all you need.)
Wiki wiki means "quick" in Hawaiian. The shuttle at Honolulu Airport is called the wiki wiki bus, which is where the original Wiki web got its name.
TWiki is short for TakeFive Wiki, the name of the company where its founder Peter Thoeny worked. (It was later discovered that Twiki is also the name of an AI robot that co-starred in the Buck Rogers movie and TV series from 1979.)
WikiCulture looks at the unique type of collaboration Wiki systems offer.
WikiReferences links to articles and books about collaboration and Wiki technology.
TWiki® is a registered trademarks of TWiki founder Peter Thoeny, The TWiki logo and the "Collaborate with TWiki" tagline are trademarks of Peter Thoeny.
TWiki is developed as Free Software under the GNU/GPL.
TWiki has its root in the GPLed JosWiki. Many thanks to Markus Peter and Dave Harris for creating JosWiki!